175 Middle School
Middle School Ministry is for grades 6-8. We have youth group every week on Wednesdays from 6:15pm-8:30pm. Aside from weekly youth group, we have monthly service projects and a bunch of yearly events including the Fall Retreat, 'Never The Same' Summer Camp, Mission Trips, movie nights, pool parties and more! Check out our Calendar page for upcoming events!
CLAIM YOUR CAMPUS 2020 - click here for more information
Here is what a typical youth group night looks like:
6:15pm - Free time in the bunker (youth center) and gym. Optional prayer time.
6:30pm - Gym game
7:00pm - Announcements, upfront game in the Bunker (youth center).
7:15pm - Worship
7:30pm - Message
8:00pm-8:30pm - Small group time (students are split up by grade & gender).