CrossTraining runs September to April. 2019 Registration CLICK HERE.
For more information, Contact Carolyn Kiddy @ or 716.876.5570
What do CrossTraining groups look like?
- 50% Bible time, Discussion and Prayer
- 50% Activity time
- 8-12 kids per group
- 3 SGLs (Small Group Leaders) per group
- Meeting at KAC on Thursdays, mainly from 6:15-7:45, except Cubbies which ends at 7:30
- Runs September - April
Why are small groups good for kids?
- Small groups create a safe place for kids
- Small group leaders have the time and ability to invest in the kids and build authentic relationships
- Leaders can lead with authentic faith, encouraging kids in their spiritual walk also
Will CrossTraining Groups support parents as they disciple their kids?
- YES! We only have them for 1.5 hours during the week. Parents are still the primary disciple-making force in a child's life.
- Resources will be provided on how to engage kids in conversation about what they are learning
- SGLs will be building relationships with parents as they drop off and pickup, or even other times as applicable, in order to support the family
- Parents may be invited to assist occasionally with a group or activity, further plugging them into this faith community