175 High School
High School Ministry is for grades 9-12. We have youth group every week on Tuesdays from 6:15pm-8:30pm. Aside from weekly youth group, we have monthly service projects and a bunch of yearly events including the Fall Retreat, 'Never The Same' Summer Camp, Mission Trips, all-nighters, pool parties and more! Check out our Calendar page for upcoming events!
CLAIM YOUR CAMPUS 2020 - click here for more information
Here is what a typical youth group night looks like:
6:15pm - Free time in the bunker (youth center) and gym. Optional prayer time.
6:30pm - Gym game
7:00pm - Announcements, upfront game in the Bunker (youth center).
7:15pm - Worship
7:30pm - Message
8:00pm-8:30pm - Small group time (students are split up by grade&gender)